How to Maintain Your Teardrop

The more glamorous side of owning a teardrop trailer is the exploration of unknown territory or the sunsets across the beaches or the comfortable bed after a full day of hiking. The less alluring side of teardrop ownership is…maintaining your sweet little camper.

No matter the vehicle, camper, or trailer type, they all need a steady maintenance routine to ensure your investment stays at the caliber that it should. Lucky for you, teardrops were essentially designed to be the minimal maintenance camper.

We here at want to help you in caring for your trailer and provide some tips on how to best do just that. So how do we do that? Let’s get started!

  1. Wash and Cover

One of the simplest things you can do for your teardrop is to keep the exterior clean and covered when not in use. You probably purchased your unit for many reasons, but a top reason is the fact that it is compact and each to store. If you don’t store your teardrop in a garage or carport style covering, you may want to think about a trailer cover that you can slip on and off as you please. Not only will this protect your paint job, but it will keep your unit looking brand new for years to come. When washing your teardrop, be sure to close all of those windows and latch that galley space!

  1. Tire Checks and Spare

We know how important tire care is for our daily drivers. The same goes for your teardrop. Be sure to upgrade your tires after the normal wear and tear to ensure you will be able to choose your camping destination, and not have your blown tire choose it for you. It is ideal to always keep a spare on your teardrop to keep your travels rolling along should a flat tire try to dampen your adventure.

  1. Winterize

Be sure to empty your tanks and prep your teardrop for harsh conditions should you choose not to camp over the winter. The last thing you want is to get ready for a spring trip and realize that you didn’t empty your water tank or lines; now they are cracked. Although replacing these components isn’t on the scale of an RV, it still contributes to unnecessary spending. It is so easy to prepare your teardrop and takes no time!

  1. Trailer Check Before Each Use

Much like truck drivers do, take a few minutes to examine your trailer before you get up and go. Check latches and windows for any cracks, or even the roof for leakage. Do a quick inventory every time to reduce the time before noticing such things. If you don’t check it each time, then you may wonder how long the cooler in your gally was leaking, or where did that fracture come from? Best to keep up on these instead!

  1. Clean Out After Each Use

Especially since you have a kitchen (and potential bathroom) space! You want to clean out old food or other unused items. This makes getting ready for your next trip simpler and leaves you with a sense of pride for your tiny space. Not only will you return to a cleaned space, but it will be easier to notice if something broke in the unit. 

  1. Annual Parts Inspection

Although you will do a check every time you use the teardrop, it’s best to keep up on annual inspections of your air conditioner, generator, stove, propane tanks, water pumps, heater, light bulbs, solar options, etc. If you have room in a cubby or outside storage box, it may be best to keep extra bulbs for this very reason. 

  1. Proper Hook Up

Ensure that you are using the correct hookup options for your vehicle and your teardrop. The connection is extremely important to assist in your teardrop staying attached to your pull vehicle. Understand how to attach it and test it each time before you hit the highways with the teardrop. 

  1. Keep Insurance

Insurance is not required, but it is strongly recommended. Not only will it save you should an emergency occur, but it will also be a big help should something more than a flat tire happen on your adventures. Insurance will also help you recoup extreme damage to your unit. These kinds of surprises are not the good ones and will keep your out of pocket minimal. 

  1. Seal It Up

Make sure you use an exterior approved sealant when attempting this project. Maintain your waterproofing and sealant along your windows and door. The exterior paint and coating will also be protected this way. There is also a tire seal available to extend the life of your teardrop shoes.

  1. Fix As You Go

If you see something broken along the way, it is easier to keep up with those little projects as you go. Don’t want until dozens of fixes need to be made, and it will help extend the life of your teardrop as well as your savings.

We hope these tips help you, whether you are new owners or seasoned adventurers. Keeping up with your teardrop will allow it to keep up with you! Happy travels!


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