Teardrop Trailers in New Hampshire

What better way to tour parts of New England, then to stop in quaint New Hampshire and walk among the gorgeous Colonial homes. Visit the historical museum of Strawbery Banke with buildings that have been preserved and restored in length to keep their legacies.

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Then take the teardrop over to the White Mountain National Forest and discover the glorious Mount Washington. Visit the observatory and the museum at the highest peak in the Northeast. Check out Moose Brook State Park for accommodations and parking the teardrop trailer. The swimming hole is a fan favorite!

Crawford Notch General Store and Campground and its untouched wilderness, also in the White Mountain range. Enjoy the up close and personal view of the riverbed and surrounding mountain peaks.

A few other camping locations (you may want to make note of) are: Beaver Pond Campground where they offer shuttles to Bear Brook Park, Coleman State Campground where they have kayaking and ATV riding, Cannon Mountain RV Park for the gorgeous foliage, and Greenfield State Park Campground where you can enjoy patron only beaches.

The state of New Hampshire has 2 National Parks to discover, 191 RV camping locations, and 23 state run campgrounds.


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